Andun Software Engineer in Delivary Assurance who love scripting and traveling

Road to Web 4.0

Road to Web 4.0

Before to continue about what is web 4.0 it’s great to look back how it was earlier. As the topic says road to before web 4.0 there were web 1.0, web 2.0 and currently we are using the web 3.0.

Sir Tim Berners-lee invented the web in 1989. By October in 1990 he had written the fundamental technologies that we use today in web browsers. They are HTTP, HTML and URI. The beginning version of the web as you all know is web 1.0.

Web 1.0 was just web sites with only readable data, there were no any interactions between the user and the web sites. They were just informative static web pages.

Then the web 2.0 came to the world and it changed the user interaction with the web site in a whole other way. With the technologies came in with web 2.0 web-sites and web based applications became more dynamic and interconnected with internet users. Some refers web 2.0 as a series of technology improvement than an another version of web.

Many people from the industry agreed that web 2.0 focused more on the themes like ajax, social networking, lightweight collaboration, social bookmarking, and media sharing. It wasn’t the final evolution of evolving. People needed more and more. So around 2010 the next turn over of the web happen in the industry. The web 3.0 came in to the role by becoming more and more intelligent, and the magics came to live.

In the present we are living in the era of web 3.0, But the real question is do we get the real benefit of it. First lets see the themes or specialized areas in web 3.0. As the web become more intelligent the specialized areas were in to the depth. Semantic web, data mining, microformats, natural language search, machine learning, recommendation agents, and artificial intelligent technologies are the things that make web 3.0 a intelligent web. And also these technologies have made the Internet of Things (IoT) a reality. Its an another key feature of web 3.0

Some of these techies may not heard by you, like semantic web and microformats. In briefly semantic web can be called as an extension of web standard by the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium). It provides a common framework that allows data to be shared among various applications, enterprises and communities. Its all about integration of various types of data. And microformats is an world wide web approach for a semantic web. What it do is, it automate some processes in semantic web. The following figure shows how complex semantic data is. And how does it integrate various type of data.


Scientists assumes that until the 2020 there won’t be the next turn over which is web 4.0. There will be increments in the current technologies and be able to access them in fully capabilities.

And finally about web 4.0. What it will be in 2020. Various opinions by various people. Among those Danial Burrus determine that web 4.0 will be a “Ultra intelligent electronic agent. ” And he says you can give a personality to your agent. If you have watched person of interest that the agent Burrus was talking about. With every camera connected to the web the agent will recognize you and talk to you. And this technology connects all the devices in real and virtual world.

As an summary we can say that web 1.0 was crawling era of web and 2.0 as walk and 3.0 as the run. And what will be the web 4.0 it is for you to think about.

This video shows how Daniel Burrus talk about the web in ted talks that will also give a clear idea about the evolution and what web 4.0 really is.

See you in the next article… Thanks for reading

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