Category Technology

How You Could Not Mess Installing Kiwi TCMS in CentOS

What is so important of Kiwi As simply Kiwi is a Test Plan, Test Run and a Test Case Management system. The most grateful thing in Kiwi is, it’s an...

Getting Started with React Native and AWS

Why React Native? React native has become the future of mobile development and one of the trending framework for Android and ios app development. It is based on React, Facebooks’...

Take your first step towards Serverless Architecture via Sigma and Serverless.

There are many tools and frameworks that support programmers to develop applications with serverless architecture. Serverless framework and Sigma are a couple of those tools that make developing serverless applications...

Serverless Architecture: Learn it, Perfect it and Evolve with it

The Road to Serverless It would not be wrong if I tell you the next awakening step of cloud computing is serverless. The evolution to serverless architecture from physical servers...

Common Web Application Architecture

A web applications is an application that a user can accessed through a web browser. The user creates HTTP request through the browser and request for resources to map for...

Road to Web 4.0

Before to continue about what is web 4.0 it’s great to look back how it was earlier. As the topic says road to before web 4.0 there were web 1.0,...

JSP සහ Servlets

මොනවාද මේ jsp සහ servlets කියන්නේ කියල අපි ඉස්සෙලම බලමු. JavaServer Pages(JSP ), servlets කියන්නේ java language එක භාවිතා කරන තවත් technology එකක්. මෙම තාක්ෂනය භාවිතා කරන්නේ බොහෝ විට dynamic...